
E-commerce website

CeX re-imagined


CeX is the leading provider of pre-owned electronics and entertainment products in the United Kingdom. CeX offers customers the opportunity to buy, sell, or trade-in a wide range of products, including games, phones, consoles, laptops, and various electronic gadgets, all for competitive cash prices.

Personal project

As a self-proclaimed Nintendo fan, I gravitate to CeX almost on a daily basis, and as much as I want to leave my design hat at my 9 to 5, sometimes I just can’t stop myself.

Finally I decided to scratch my itch to give this redesign a go and explore some potential solutions. This personal project is a reimagining of the CeX website, focusing on user-friendliness and smooth navigation, all while staying true to the store's established brand identity. While not based on formal user research, my design decisions are informed by my experience as a CeX customer that happens to be a product designer.


Pet project done on my free time to keep the creative juices flowing. This project involved re-working the UI and optimising the UX for a more focused user-flow, whilst keeping the already established visual language of the brand.


Web (e-commerce)

Project Goal

Write a project goal

Process overview

Current design analysis

To understand the user experience better, I analyzed the current design through user flows and sitemaps. This helped identify potential pain points, allowing for improvements that create a smoother and more intuitive user experience.

Unsolicited redesign

In the second phase, I focused on creating an intuitive interface for a seamless user journey. This involved developing new user flows, revamping existing components, and modernising the shop, product, and presentation pages. Essentially, I gave all pages a UI and UX overhaul.

Current design analysis

The biggest pain point I identified was the website’s information architecture. Poor navigation and lack of at-a-glance relevant product information caused significant user frustration. The unclear checkout process is clunky and confusing. This makes it difficult for users to complete their purchases, which is the main goal of the store. Simple and expected functionalities are also missing or poorly optimised.

Main pain points:

Poor information architecture

The user experience suffers from a poorly defined information architecture and a lack of intuitive structure. This makes navigating the platform a frustrating exercise. Essential key details about products or services are not readily available. This lack of user-friendliness creates confusion and discourages users from fully engaging with the platform's potential.

Clunky browsing & navigation

CeX's navigation needs a refresh. The current menus are confusing and lack intuitiveness, making it difficult for users to find what they're looking for. The design also suffers, appearing plain and unappealing, which fails to engage visitors.

Disjointed buying & selling

The separation of buy and sell functionalities creates unnecessary complexity for users. This forces them to switch between tabs or windows to compare prices, hindering a smooth user experience.